طلب خدمة


In depth A look at current financial reporting issues

2021/05/06   الكاتب :د. محمد الفيفي
عدد المشاهدات(657)

In depth A look at current financial reporting issues


The COVID-19 outbreak has developed rapidly in 2020, with a significant number of infections. Measures taken to contain the virus have affected economic activity, which in turn has implications for financial reporting. Measures to prevent transmission of the virus include limiting the movement of people, restricting flights and other travel, temporarily closing businesses and schools, and cancelling events. This will have an immediate impact on businesses such as tourism, transport, retail and entertainment. It will also begin to affect supply chains and the production of goods throughout the world and lower economic activity is likely to result in reduced demand for many goods and services. Financial services entities such as banks that lend to affected entities, insurers that provide protection to affected individuals and businesses, and funds or other investors that invest in affected entities are also

likely to be affected. Management should carefully consider the impact of the COVID-19 on both interim and annual financial statements. The impact could be significant for many businesses.

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